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New Flood Maps
The new flood insurance maps will go into effect on June 7, 2019. Until that time, the current maps are still in effect.
Proposed Sewer Expansion
Click Here For Flood Map Information

Did you know your part of your taxes goes to mosquito abatement? Not just the little spray machine that comes around every now and then! When you see mosquito's in your yard call 208-461-8633 and ask to be on the schedule! It's free to all city residents. They will come out and spray your entire yard!!!

A Splash Pad funding update:
Huge shout out to the following donors!
Aqua Irrigation Technologies
Caring Hands Day Care
The Hop House
Goodson's Farms
House of Mayhem
Total to date funds are $37,438.37
Splash Bash August 6th! More information to come!
Thank you all for your support!!
T-shirts available at City Hall for purchase. Minimum $20.00 donation.
Thank you

Thank you Samantha Steinhaus for the generous donation for Zach's Splash Pad.

Drinking water survey information.
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